The Lost Ark Gold roadmap for April and May has been published by Amazon and Smilegate RPG. New advanced classes, such as the Glaivier (Martial Artist) and Destroyer (Warrior), new Guardian Raid content, a number of quality of life improvements, and much more are all included in this update.
This month, the Glaivier, the fifth and most advanced class for the Martial Artist, will be introduced. The Glaivier wields two weapons: a shorter spear that can be used to deliver quick impact strikes in the Flurry stance, and a longer glaive that can be used to deliver lethal strikes in the Focus stance. While you can specialize in one stance and one weapon type, you can also combine the two for a more balanced build, which you can swap out as needed if you so choose. Aside from that, the April update will include skin and store updates, as well as new login rewards and a Feiton powerpass that will grant you access to item level 960 gear.
South Vern is also on its way, making it the second Tier 3 continent after Punika, and it will be the third continent overall. The following is the official description, which fits the mysteries you’ll be investigating:
To transform this once-desert land into a place of abundant water and lush pastures, the settlers of South Vern borrowed technology from many different races, including the human race.” Because of reports of dangers in North Vern, the Senate shut down South Vern and established a new knightly order to protect the people of the kingdom. Ealyn, the Queen of Vern, became suspicious that something was wrong and ordered Knight Commander Avele to look into the matter.
“What could be happening to this peaceful continent?”
When Amazon and Smilegate RPG released their letter to the community, they made a commitment to be upfront and honest with everyone. It is divided into planned and tentative sections, with anything included in the planned section subject to change if feedback and data indicate that including it would cause players to become frustrated. So far, everything appears to be on track for a sufficient number of players to be prepared and properly equipped. These plans include a new Guardian raid, Deskaluda, as well as a new Legion raid, Valtan, which will be available in both normal and hard difficulty.
The Destroyer, a hammer-wielding advanced class for the Warrior, will be released in May of this year. Using their hammer attacks, the destroyers are capable of “bending gravity to their will—slowing and launching opponents, pushing and pulling cheap lost ark gold—whatever it takes to completely and irreversibly destroy them.”
A number of quality-of-life improvements, including improvements to the user interface, the party finder, and other features, will be released in May. Trial Guardian Raids will be introduced, which will be a weekly challenge in which you will be pitted against three Trial Guardians, each with a different item level requirement to enter. Every week, one will be rotated out and another will be welcomed into the pool. These will be equipped with a scale of harmony, ensuring that your item level is always appropriate for the boss you are facing.